DA-PCC identifies means of verifications for gender mainstreaming


The DA-Philippine Carabao Center’s (DA-PCC) Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System (FPS) and technical working group (TWG) members convened in a workshop following health and safety protocols to assess the level of the agency’s efforts on GAD using Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) tool.

GAD Focal Person Aimee Fuljencio and outgoing GAD Focal and TWG Lead Sonia Pol facilitated the said workshop held on April 21 at the DA-PCC National Headquarters and Gene Pool in the Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija. The DA-PCC GMEF assessment period covers GAD activities from 2018 to 2020.

Upon going through the organizational assessment questionnaire, the group was able to identify a number of means of verifications (MOV) for the agency’s GMEF in four key areas namely Policy, People, Enabling Mechanisms, and Programs, Activities, and Projects.
The initial assessment with baseline score will be submitted to the Philippine Commission on Women on May 3 for validation.


After the workshop, the group also laid out plans and activities for the following years to develop gender-responsive policies and program for a more gender-sensitive institution.


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