DA-PCC supervisors, managers undergo skills training


DA-PCC’s key supervisors and managers across the network undergo a three-day training on leadership and managerial skills development via hybrid learning platform, December 1-3, 2021.

The seminar was initiated by the agency’s Human Resource Management Section (HRMS).

It aims to improve the participants’ self-confidence and self-assurance in their role as leaders of the agency and increase their level of personal effectiveness, obtain necessary management mindedness and balance multiple perspectives.

After completing the training, participants are expected to be able to differentiate the functions of management vs. staff work and prioritize management work, understand and apply the roles of management and its core responsibilities, manage employee performances through coaching and counselling and develop awareness and mastery of the self as the key to organizational transformation.

Noel Resurreccion and Gigi Resurreccion of the Mentor Group Philippines serve as the speakers for the said activity. Topics include basics of supervision, roles and functions, leadership, motivation, communication, delegation, coaching and counseling, proactive behavior, exercising the power and choice, valuing and personal visioning and management of comfort zone.

Twenty participants from the regional centers attended via Zoom while 24 from the DA-PCC national headquarters attended physically at the Eusebio-Castillo Hall.


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