DA-PCC joins DA-RFO V in LN2 Depot Project


The Department of Agriculture-Philippine Carabao Center (DA-PCC) National Headquarters and Gene Pool (NHQGP) team, led by Deputy Executive Director for Production and Research Dr. Claro N. Mingala, visited the physical structure and site along the vicinity of the DA-Regional Field Office (DA-RFO) V in San Agustin Pili, Camarines Sur headed by Regional Director Rodel P. Tornilla, where a liquid nitrogen (LN2) depot is expected to rise.

Joining Dr. Mingala were Animal Breeding and Genomics Section Head and Scientist I Dr. Ester Flores, Planning and Information Management Division Officer-in-Charge Alvin David, Admin. Assistant IV Catherine Alyssa Licudo, and Engineer Raul Ruba. Assisting the team were Regional Livestock and Poultry Coordinator Dr. Marisa Guillermo and DA-PCC at University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) Center Director and project head Dr. Thelma Saludes.

The NHQGP team further shared with the DA-RFO some of the agency’s practices in LN2 handling particularly in the National Livestock Cryobank facility as well as the requirements for physical structure of Vacuum Insulated Evaporator (VIE) tank.

LN2 is essential in preserving livestock cells and tissues in dormant state while temporarily ceasing most of their vital functions without causing death.

Said project is a joint endeavor of DA-RFO V and DA-PCC at UPLB as part of their commitment to expand technical assistance and services offered to livestock clients in order to increase farm efficiency and profitability.

Further, DA-PCC is also planning to set up additional infrastructures for workplace, quarters, and tank storage facility near the establishment.

A memorandum of agreement (MOA) is being drafted for the official documentation of the project.


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