DA-PCC's EASIS Phase 3 project kicks off with T o T


The Extension and Advisory Services Information System (EASIS) project of the DA-PCC through the Knowledge Management Division (KMD) in partnership with the Grameen Foundation Philippines is now on its third phase, which involves rolling out of the developed mobile applications for utilization by extension officers (EO), village-based field veterinarians, and technicians.

The EASIS is a three-phase project of the DA-PCC with Grameen. The latter developed two mobile applications known as the KBGAN iHealth and KBGAN iFeed in consultation with DA-PCC’s technical experts in the fields of animal health and nutrition. These apps aim to ultimately improve the extension and advisory services provided by DA-PCC on enhanced dairy buffalo production and management of small-scale carabao farmers.

In the just-concluded three-day Training of Trainers (TOT) at the DA-PCC national headquarters in the Science City of Muñoz, the participants (carabao-based enterprise development coordinators and LGU partners from the rollout sites) were trained thoroughly on the proper usage of the apps. Said partners in the implementation of the project will soon transfer and introduce the apps to village-based technicians within their areas of coverage.

The phase three of the project has a program summary timeline that started last May and will conclude by January of 2023. It includes orientation and consultation with area partners, enlisting of carabao farmers, baseline survey of farmers, and reporting of the results of the survey. Meanwhile, phases one and two included, among others, the production of learning videos and the development of mobile apps.

During the action planning, the participants pledged their commitment and support to the implementation of the project.


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