Ma. Cecilia Irang

God's prinCESS

229 Article(s)

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Suporta ng DAR para sa mga kooperatiba ng magkakalabaw

DA-PCC NHQGP-Sa pamamagitan ng proyektong Village Level Farm-Focused Enterprise Development (VLFED) ng Provincial Agrarian Reform Office ng Department of Agrarian Reform-Nueva Ecija, napagkalooban ang Bongabon Dairy Cooperative (BDC) ng pondong Php300,000 para sa pagbili ng mga kagamitang kakailanganin sa pagpoproseso ng mga produkto at pagpapaunlad ng kanilang dairy processing center.


DA-PCC holds planning-workshop on KM interventions for CBIN project

DA-PCC’s Knowledge Management Division (KMD) team members, DA-PCC at Central Luzon State University program implementers, and select provincial veterinarians in Region III convened in a hybrid (online and on-site with minimum safety and health protocols) strategic planning-workshop on Knowledge Management (KM) interventions for Carabao-based Business Improvement Network (CBIN) project today, January 25 in Bagac, Bataan.

Showing 8 results of 229 — Page 8