Ma. Theresa Sawit

7 Article(s)

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4XD: A PCC execution strategy

“Planning is important but the devil is in the execution”. This saying holds true according to the experts like former PCC Executive Director Dr. Libertado Cruz and the current leaders of PCC. Setting the agency target output is easier than detailing the plans of execution to achieve specific targets that have to be acted upon by the program implementers across the country.


PCC ensures carapreneurs’ engagement in RA 11037 implementation

“In every challenge comes great opportunity” is a saying that holds true even in the country’s problem on malnutrition. To help alleviate undernutrition among daycare and elementary school children, the country is requiring about 605,000 liters of milk a day. This was based on the series of consultation with the agencies involved in the crafting of RA 11037 Implementing Rules and Regulation.

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